Unas palabras sobre nosotros

Communita Regina della Pace Association (Community of Queen of Peace)

«Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives»
(J 14: 27a).

“Communita Regina della Pace” Association (Community of Queen of Peace) was created in 2008 as an initiative aiming at fostering peace and reconciliation among people and nations of the world, particularly in the places affected by armed conflicts.

Our mission is an international apostolate of Eucharistic adoration for peace and reconciliation among people. The initiative was brought about as a response to numerous calls of Our Lady and out of desire to fulfill spiritual legacy of the great Advocate of Peace St. John Paul II.

Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament opens to the gift of peace offered by Jesus. It is drawing from the only true Source of Peace. During adoration, the gift of God’s love flows from God’s Heart directly into a human heart.
We pursue our goal by means of the Work called “The 12 Stars in the Crown of Mary Queen of Peace” – an idea of establishing 12 International Centers of Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for Peace.

The Work of “The 12 Stars” is accompanied by an initiative of forming the Chain of Prayer for Peace, whose links become all those who pray for peace and offer their adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament for this intention. By drawing from the Living Fount – the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar – by enveloping the whole world with prayer for peace, we become its apostles in our homes, workplaces and environments.

True peace is a value conquered not by military, political or economic force
but on your knees.

Communita Regina della Pace Association – Radom

Bank account: BSR in Radom

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USD: PL 26 9115 0002 0010 0006 4060 0003