The Star on the Mantle of Our Lady in Krosno

On October 7, 2022, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, a new Star on the Mantle of Our Lady Queen of Peace shone.
This newest star shone in the Franciscan Parish of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Krosno (archdiocese of Przemyśl, South – East of Poland).
The Holy Mass of inauguration was presided over by Bishop Adam Szal (the Metropolitan of the archdiocese of Przemyśl). Representatives of the Association of Comunità Regina della Pace were present including Mr. Mariusz Drapikowski (Vice President of the Board) and Mr. Bogusław Olszonowicz (Member of the Board). Mr. Drapikowski explained the mission of the Association and its works: the Stars in the Crown of Our Lady Queen of Peace and the Stars on the Mantle of Our Lady Queen of Peace.
After the Holy Mass, the Certificate of joining the work of the Stars on the Mantle of Our Lady was officially presented as well as the monstrance of the Holy Family blessed by the Bishop. Following the presentation, a day-long Eucharistic Adoration period was started as participants prayed together the “Prayer for Peace.”
Text and Photos: Bogusław Olszonowicz