July and August in the United States

A lot of good things are happening in the United States during the summer….
Firstly, the 10th Eucharistic Congress was held in Indianapolis (Indiana state) from July 17 to 21, 2024. It gathered about 55,000 participants, and our booth represented by Mr. Andrew Niewald and Fr. Jaretta Konrade (St. John the Baptist Parish and Adoratio Foundation of Beloit, State of Kansas) was visited by many interested in the mission of prayer for peace. Of these, more than 600 people asked for more information about our mission.
Another important event in which we participated was the Midwest Families Conference, which took place August 2-4, 2024 in Wichita, Kansas State. About 2,500 people attended the Conference, and more than 100 people registered their interest in the mission of praying for peace at our booth. One of the numerous and appreciated speakers was Fr. Mitch Pacwa, an accomplished Jesuit, known, among other things, for his program on EWTN Television and his many speeches at congresses as well as his many book publications.
Meanwhile, today and tomorrow (August 9 and 10, 2024) there is a Eucharistic Conference organized by the Diocese of Salina, Kansas, to which we “belong” thanks to our close cooperation with St. John the Baptist Parish in Beloit. This is an event open to all and is especially aimed at those who could not go to either Indianapolis or Wichita. Here, too, we will present our mission at a specially prepared booth. About 1,000 people have announced their participation in the Conference. An “Adoration under the Stars” is planned for tonight, Friday evening, during which the Eucharistic Lord Jesus will be displayed in a monstrance made by Drapikowski Studio.
We warmly invite you to follow “Stars of Peace” on fb where you’ll find all news from the Americas.
Photo: Andrew Niewald, St. John the Baptist Parish and Adoratio Foundation of Kansas, online resources